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- NLMK Europe
- Procurement
To optimize its efficiency, the Procurement department of NLMK Europe has created two competence poles:
- One for strategical purchases, organized at a central level
- One for the operational treatment of day to day purchases
Thanks to this structure, each member of the team can focus on its specialty and enhance the quality of relationship with the suppliers.
If you want more information or desire to become one of our suppliers, please contact:
- NLMK Europe: Dila Izamova d.izamova@eu.nlmk.com
- NLMK Clabecq: Alissar Samad a.samad@eu.nlmk.com
- NLMK DanSteel: Alexei Fomenko (RU) afom@nlmk.com
- NLMK La Louvière / NLMK Belgium Holdings: Alissar Samad a.samad@eu.nlmk.com
- NLMK Strasbourg: Jean-Luc Muller jl.muller@eu.nlmk.com
- NLMK Verona: Dario Floreani d.floreani@eu.nlmk.com
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